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Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections usually obtain by sexual contact and drug use. The microorganisms that lead to sexually transmitted diseases can transmit from person to person in, semen,vaginal, blood, or other bodily fluids. A few of these infections are transmitted through non-sexual contact, such as through a blood transfusion, shared needles or from a mother to child during pregnancy or childbirth.

Sometimes people that seem perfectly health are able to transfer sexually transmitted diseases — people who, don't know even know they are infected.  A lot of the STDs create no symptoms. The best way to stay free of infections is to abstain from having sexual intercourse. If you are sexually active, it is imperative that you use protection EVERY TIME!

STD can occur when:

* Sexual activity at a young age. The younger a person starts having sex, the greater his or her chances of becoming infected with an STD.
Lots of sex partners.


*People who have sexual contact — not just intercourse, but any form of intimate activity — with many different partners are more at risk than those who stay with the same partner.

*Unprotected sex. Latex condoms are the only form of birth control that reduc
e your risk of getting an STD, and must be used every time. Spermicides, diaphragms, and other birth control methods may help prevent pregnancy, but they don't protect a person against STDs.


Sexually Transmitted Diseases  101

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